Text vs Fast Infoset vs .NET Binary
For our measurements we used 392 documents from 25 publicly available sources on the Web, their sizes ranging from about 100 bytes to more than 1 GB.
The following tables display the size of the XML documents when encoded in the text, Fast Infoset and .NET Binary formats. Smallest collections are listed first, largest last. All sizes are in bytes.
Compactness ratios indicate the relative size of the text document against the size of the corresponding Fast Infoset or .NET Binary document. For example, a 1:0.20 ratio indicates that the size of the document it refers to is a fifth of the size of the text document.
Documents were encoded in the Fast Infoset format using Fast Infoset Converter 2.2.0 and in the .NET Binary format using MSBXML Converter 1.1.0. Since the .NET Binary encoder cannot process Document Type Definitions, some documents had their DTD removed. Documents that could not be processed by .NET, primarily due to the presence of invalid characters, were excluded from these collections. All documents were retrieved in June 2007 and links to their original locations are provided; please note that many of these documents are updated often, so their content and size might have changed since.
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
HowToModel.xml | 388,693 | 77,158 | 1:0.20 | 267,133 | 1:0.69 |
Danish Food Composition Databank »
Download Food Data
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
DKFoodComp60_2005-06-03.xml | 5,985,398 | 997,541 | 1:0.17 | 4,768,994 | 1:80 |
UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme »
World Conservation Monitoring Centre»
CITES Species Checklists 2005, Plants
(English common names only)
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
CITESdata.XML | 15,411,683 | 1,992,014 | 1:0.13 | 9,258,991 | 1:0.60 |
XTide, Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor»
Harmonics Files for XTide
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
offsets.xml | 1,845,567 | 499,817 | 1:0.27 | 1,491,376 | 1:0.81 |
TM-XML, Trade Mark XML Open Standard Initiative»
Implementation Examples
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
TMSearch-TradeMarks-List.xml | 6,068 | 1,389 | 1:0.23 | 2,696 | 1:0.44 |
TMSearch-Single-TradeMark.xml | 7,224 | 2,874 | 1:0.40 | 3,186 | 1:0.44 |
13,292 | 4,263 | 1:0.32 | 5,882 | 1:0.44 |
EUROPA, European Commission»
External Relations»
Consolidated list of
persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
annual.xml | 2,705,634 | 648,962 | 1:0.24 | 1,979,000 | 1:0.73 |
delta.xml | 4,820 | 1,395 | 1:0.29 | 4,067 | 1:0.84 |
global.xml | 2,951,420 | 528,330 | 1:0.18 | 2,393,021 | 1:0.81 |
5,661,874 | 1,178,687 | 1:0.21 | 4,376,088 | 1:0.77 |
Evapotranspiration Data in XML
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
CIMIS-DailyReport-Modesto.txt | 84,974 | 13,685 | 1:0.16 | 49,751 | 1:0.59 |
CIMIS-FresnoReportDispatch.txt | 50,042 | 6,392 | 1:0.13 | 26,572 | 1:0.53 |
CIMIS-ReportDispatch.txt | 9,990 | 2,028 | 1:0.20 | 5,847 | 1:0.59 |
145,006 | 22,105 | 1:0.15 | 82,170 | 1:0.57 |
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
eve-implants2.xml | 107,619 | 51,358 | 1:0.48 | 87,956 | 1:0.82 |
eve-items2.xml | 5,887,795 | 1,457,602 | 1:0.25 | 4,574,919 | 1:0.78 |
eve-ships2.xml | 1,300,768 | 257,767 | 1:0.20 | 824,887 | 1:0.63 |
eve-skills2.xml | 114,707 | 75,820 | 1:0.66 | 104,788 | 1:0.91 |
7,410,889 | 1,842,547 | 1:0.25 | 5,592,550 | 1:0.75 |
Faunaflora, Building the Electronic Web of Biodiversity»
Data Downloads
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
Amphibians.xml | 952,667 | 166,258 | 1:0.17 | 611,386 | 1:0.64 |
Birds.xml | 2,160,221 | 381,961 | 1:0.18 | 1,382,397 | 1:0.64 |
Fish.xml | 4,789,036 | 933,150 | 1:0.19 | 3,221,836 | 1:0.67 |
Mammals.xml | 1,137,458 | 257,941 | 1:0.23 | 748,950 | 1:0.66 |
Reptiles.xml | 623,085 | 116,443 | 1:0.19 | 410,205 | 1:0.66 |
9,662,467 | 1,855,753 | 1:0.19 | 6,374,774 | 1:0.66 |
University of Freiburg»
Department of Computer Science»
LoPiX-Mondial Case Study
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
cia.xml | 189,547 | 51,051 | 1:0.27 | 147,102 | 1:0.78 |
gs.xml | 910,760 | 391,671 | 1:0.43 | 751,679 | 1:0.83 |
mondial-3.0.xml | 1,863,840 | 506,113 | 1:0.27 | 1,221,065 | 1:0.66 |
orgs.xml | 484,699 | 73,228 | 1:0.15 | 342,430 | 1:0.71 |
terra.xml | 294,944 | 99,221 | 1:0.34 | 237,429 | 1:0.80 |
3,743,790 | 1,121,284 | 1:0.30 | 2,699,705 | 1:0.72 |
USC, University of Southern California»
USC Linux Users Group»
Index of /pub/linux/distributions/suse/update/10.0/repodata
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
filelists.xml | 100,768,858 | 27,573,931 | 1:0.27 | 91,051,610 | 1:0.90 |
other.xml | 208,011,006 | 99,229,680 | 1:0.48 | 195,652,484 | 1:0.94 |
patches.xml | 116 | 67 | 1:0.58 | 59 | 1:0.51 |
primary.xml | 17,849,562 | 5,425,803 | 1:0.30 | 15,938,587 | 1:0.89 |
repomd.xml | 1,231 | 664 | 1:0.54 | 915 | 1:0.74 |
326,630,773 | 132,230,145 | 1:0.40 | 302,643,655 | 1:0.93 |
wwPDB, Worldwide Protein Data Bank»
Remediated Data Download»
Coordinate files in PDBML/XML format (set 00)
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
100d.xml | 586,916 | 77,293 | 1:0.13 | 281,671 | 1:0.48 |
200d.xml | 335,491 | 47,097 | 1:0.14 | 160,474 | 1:0.48 |
200l.xml | 1,532,379 | 200,017 | 1:0.13 | 733,130 | 1:0.48 |
300d.xml | 997,464 | 127,336 | 1:0.13 | 475,397 | 1:0.48 |
400d.xml | 343,519 | 47,924 | 1:0.14 | 164,780 | 1:0.48 |
3,795,769 | 499,667 | 1:0.13 | 1,815,452 | 1:0.48 |
Elliotte Rusty Harold»
Cafe con Leche XML News and Resources»
XML Examples
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
1998shortstats.xml | 8,466 | 2,254 | 1:0.27 | 4,558 | 1:0.54 |
1998statistics.xml | 669,309 | 126,872 | 1:0.19 | 393,126 | 1:0.59 |
4-2.xml | 9,229 | 2,739 | 1:0.30 | 4,722 | 1:0.51 |
allelements.xml | 113,135 | 23,894 | 1:0.21 | 73,728 | 1:0.65 |
silicontowers.xml | 809 | 413 | 1:0.51 | 471 | 1:0.58 |
water.xml | 467 | 288 | 1:0.62 | 317 | 1:0.68 |
801,415 | 156,460 | 1:0.20 | 476,922 | 1:0.60 |
NLM, National Library of Medicine»
MEDLINE/PubMed data sample files
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
medline07n0058.xml | 69,565,370 | 12,284,324 | 1:0.18 | 44,556,900 | 1:0.64 |
medline07n0127.xml | 101,370,278 | 23,661,180 | 1:0.23 | 67,792,496 | 1:0.67 |
medline07n0218.xml | 121,834,587 | 37,247,001 | 1:0.31 | 85,558,176 | 1:0.70 |
medline07n0342.xml | 132,060,390 | 43,882,006 | 1:0.33 | 94,399,263 | 1:0.71 |
medline07n0431.xml | 130,101,699 | 44,838,046 | 1:0.35 | 93,401,811 | 1:0.72 |
medline07n0505.xml | 143,623,568 | 52,828,970 | 1:0.38 | 104,685,587 | 1:0.73 |
medsamp2007.xml | 501,067 | 155,787 | 1:0.31 | 283,745 | 1:0.57 |
699,056,959 | 214,897,314 | 1:0.31 | 490,677,978 | 1:0.70 |
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
flickr.rdf | 1,106,021 | 206,779 | 1:0.19 | 694,766 | 1:0.63 |
index.rdf | 1,552,249 | 298,121 | 1:0.19 | 1,019,725 | 1:0.66 |
norman.walsh.name.rdf | 8,143,196 | 1,871,241 | 1:0.23 | 5,713,909 | 1:0.70 |
pim.rdf | 1,898,846 | 593,244 | 1:0.31 | 1,440,323 | 1:0.76 |
what.rdf | 4,228 | 2,693 | 1:0.64 | 3,839 | 1:0.91 |
when.rdf | 49,011 | 29,359 | 1:0.60 | 44,779 | 1:0.91 |
where.rdf | 57,270 | 35,473 | 1:0.62 | 52,583 | 1:0.92 |
who.rdf | 16,469 | 10,380 | 1:0.63 | 15,114 | 1:0.92 |
12,827,290 | 3,047,290 | 1:0.24 | 8,985,038 | 1:0.70 |
Yale University»
The ALlele FREquency Database»
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
alfred.xml | 77,765,607 | 10,531,844 | 1:0.14 | 45,257,757 | 1:0.58 |
alfredWithoutDescription.xml | 141,892,171 | 17,538,523 | 1:0.12 | 80,186,681 | 1:0.57 |
frequencies.xml | 52,829,970 | 5,875,986 | 1:0.11 | 30,239,182 | 1:0.57 |
loci.xml | 1,421,787 | 317,935 | 1:0.22 | 778,132 | 1:0.55 |
lociDescp.xml | 2,755,931 | 1,010,163 | 1:0.37 | 1,818,025 | 1:0.66 |
miscInfoDescp.xml | 2,371,474 | 1,097,054 | 1:0.46 | 1,696,101 | 1:0.72 |
populations.xml | 8,378,817 | 1,251,890 | 1:0.15 | 4,503,487 | 1:0.54 |
populationsDescp.xml | 8,604,876 | 1,388,647 | 1:0.16 | 4,684,984 | 1:0.54 |
296,020,633 | 39,012,042 | 1:0.13 | 169,164,349 | 1:0.57 |
Department for Education and Skills»
Qualification Accreditation
» Generic QAN Data
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
QAN_AB_V1.0.xml | 73,853 | 20,626 | 1:0.28 | 50,964 | 1:0.69 |
QAN_Current_V1.1.xml | 5,524,601 | 1,368,232 | 1:0.25 | 3,841,268 | 1:0.70 |
QAN_DiscCode_V1.1.xml | 491,535 | 102,775 | 1:0.21 | 321,152 | 1:0.65 |
QAN_Expired_V1.1.xml | 13,468 | 4,372 | 1:0.32 | 9,370 | 1:0.70 |
QAN_Map_V1.0.xml | 1,027 | 518 | 1:0.50 | 704 | 1:0.69 |
QAN_QualType_V1.1.xml | 54,807 | 12,178 | 1:0.22 | 35,346 | 1:0.64 |
QAN_QualTypePoints_V1.2.xml | 829,523 | 107,406 | 1:0.13 | 478,471 | 1:0.58 |
QAN_SSFT1_V1.1.xml | 4,631 | 1,319 | 1:0.28 | 3,072 | 1:0.66 |
QAN_SSFT2_V1.1.xml | 18,060 | 4,135 | 1:0.23 | 12,170 | 1:0.67 |
7,011,505 | 1,621,561 | 1:0.23 | 4,752,517 | 1:0.68 |
Georgetown University»
Protein Information Resource»
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
a_thaliana.xml | 215,827,630 | 57,551,894 | 1:0.27 | 146,239,808 | 1:0.68 |
b_rerio.xml | 127,160,982 | 39,831,865 | 1:0.31 | 88,673,085 | 1:0.70 |
b_subtilis.xml | 24,368,126 | 6,182,354 | 1:0.25 | 16,000,385 | 1:0.66 |
c_elegans.xml | 102,548,738 | 26,719,306 | 1:0.26 | 68,129,637 | 1:0.66 |
d_melanogaster.xml | 143,943,613 | 38,496,870 | 1:0.27 | 97,824,926 | 1:0.68 |
e_coli.xml | 160,236,575 | 37,385,189 | 1:0.23 | 106,919,564 | 1:0.67 |
m_jannaschii.xml | 8,530,156 | 2,180,472 | 1:0.26 | 5,605,050 | 1:0.66 |
m_musculus.xml | 403,617,670 | 108,678,122 | 1:0.27 | 274,726,057 | 1:0.68 |
m_thermoautotrophicum.xml | 8,554,435 | 2,210,126 | 1:0.26 | 5,638,968 | 1:0.66 |
s_acidocaldarius.xml | 7,895,364 | 2,053,567 | 1:0.26 | 5,258,359 | 1:0.67 |
s_cerevisiae.xml | 63,829,851 | 17,842,036 | 1:0.28 | 43,318,073 | 1:0.68 |
s_pombe.xml | 29,761,616 | 7,878,829 | 1:0.26 | 19,988,210 | 1:0.67 |
y_lipolytica.xml | 24,468,396 | 7,082,406 | 1:0.29 | 16,763,148 | 1:0.69 |
1,320,743,152 | 354,093,036 | 1:0.27 | 895,085,270 | 1:0.68 |
VŠB, Technical University of Ostrava»
Amphora Research Group»
Enron Corpus
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
AddressList.xml | 5,185,882 | 2,979,841 | 1:0.57 | 4,732,799 | 1:0.91 |
AllCommunicationList.xml | 33,110,074 | 4,383,452 | 1:0.13 | 30,928,953 | 1:0.93 |
Corpus.xml | 1,418,624,524 | 1,381,500,417 | 1:0.97 | 1,385,123,875 | 1:0.98 |
DocumentStemList.xml | 1,342,667,787 | 255,945,445 | 1:0.19 | 938,218,496 | 1:0.70 |
DocumentTermList.xml | 1,417,335,650 | 274,610,372 | 1:0.19 | 1,013,338,475 | 1:0.71 |
EmailDescriptorList.xml | 277,973,532 | 64,447,532 | 1:0.23 | 181,781,527 | 1:0.65 |
InternalCommunicationList.xml | 245,038 | 24,869 | 1:0.10 | 230,313 | 1:0.94 |
PersonList.xml | 15,068 | 7,448 | 1:0.49 | 14,257 | 1:0.95 |
StemGlobalList.xml | 16,935,890 | 6,652,698 | 1:0.39 | 15,104,689 | 1:0.89 |
StemIDFList.xml | 14,507,334 | 3,779,086 | 1:0.26 | 12,945,310 | 1:0.89 |
StemInvertedList.xml | 1,321,330,556 | 294,387,066 | 1:0.22 | 915,501,136 | 1:0.69 |
TermGlobalList.xml | 27,522,179 | 8,853,897 | 1:0.32 | 25,438,238 | 1:0.92 |
TermIDFList.xml | 17,142,876 | 4,478,734 | 1:0.26 | 15,299,292 | 1:0.89 |
TermInvertedList.xml | 1,403,427,569 | 310,880,607 | 1:0.22 | 996,070,259 | 1:0.71 |
7,296,023,959 | 2,612,931,464 | 1:0.36 | 5,534,727,619 | 1:0.76 |
MITRE Corporation»
Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language»
OVAL Repository
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
hp_ux.10.definitions.xml | 26,249 | 7,485 | 1:0.29 | 20,624 | 1:0.79 |
hp_ux.11.definitions.xml | 358,081 | 90,923 | 1:0.25 | 277,331 | 1:0.77 |
microsoft.windows.95.definitions.xml | 108,543 | 33,314 | 1:0.31 | 83,149 | 1:0.77 |
microsoft.windows.98.definitions.xml | 280,461 | 80,453 | 1:0.29 | 218,964 | 1:0.78 |
microsoft.windows.2000.definitions.xml | 3,412,397 | 897,262 | 1:0.26 | 2,663,180 | 1:0.78 |
microsoft.windows.me.definitions.xml | 406,276 | 109,702 | 1:0.27 | 317,979 | 1:0.78 |
microsoft.windows.nt.definitions.xml | 1,260,769 | 333,874 | 1:0.26 | 975,315 | 1:0.77 |
microsoft.windows.server.2003.definitions.xml | 2,450,670 | 645,288 | 1:0.26 | 1,902,946 | 1:0.78 |
microsoft.windows.vista.definitions.xml | 204,546 | 57,328 | 1:0.28 | 158,340 | 1:0.77 |
microsoft.windows.xp.definitions.xml | 3,073,143 | 801,789 | 1:0.26 | 2,390,691 | 1:0.78 |
red.hat.enterprise.linux.3.definitions.xml | 938,325 | 219,595 | 1:0.23 | 751,845 | 1:0.80 |
red.hat.enterprise.linux.4.definitions.xml | 31,515 | 11,006 | 1:0.35 | 24,066 | 1:0.76 |
red.hat.linux.9.definitions.xml | 1,003,742 | 236,875 | 1:0.24 | 799,169 | 1:0.80 |
sun.solaris.7.definitions.xml | 420,228 | 106,694 | 1:0.25 | 334,443 | 1:0.80 |
sun.solaris.8.definitions.xml | 551,299 | 138,893 | 1:0.25 | 439,100 | 1:0.80 |
sun.solaris.9.definitions.xml | 474,325 | 118,184 | 1:0.25 | 378,015 | 1:0.80 |
sun.solaris.10.definitions.xml | 203,600 | 51,204 | 1:0.25 | 164,365 | 1:0.81 |
15,204,169 | 3,939,869 | 1:0.26 | 11,899,522 | 1:0.78 |
MusicXML Definition»
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
ActorPreludeSample.xml | 1,226,985 | 181,262 | 1:0.15 | 580,943 | 1:0.47 |
BeetAnGeSample.xml | 119,860 | 20,498 | 1:0.17 | 54,732 | 1:0.46 |
Binchois.xml | 51,016 | 8,037 | 1:0.16 | 24,814 | 1:0.49 |
BrahWiMeSample.xml | 84,503 | 14,886 | 1:0.18 | 38,463 | 1:0.46 |
BrookeWestSample.xml | 155,063 | 23,644 | 1:0.15 | 61,207 | 1:0.39 |
Chant.xml | 8,726 | 1,574 | 1:0.18 | 4,036 | 1:0.46 |
DebuMandSample.xml | 113,971 | 19,056 | 1:0.17 | 51,132 | 1:0.45 |
Dichterliebe01.xml | 215,440 | 35,480 | 1:0.16 | 99,812 | 1:0.46 |
Echigo-Jishi.xml | 75,197 | 13,737 | 1:0.18 | 36,434 | 1:0.48 |
FaurReveSample.xml | 150,363 | 24,951 | 1:0.17 | 63,626 | 1:0.42 |
MahlFaGe4Sample.xml | 133,782 | 21,995 | 1:0.16 | 59,595 | 1:0.45 |
MozaChloSample.xml | 221,466 | 19,048 | 1:0.09 | 50,287 | 1:0.23 |
MozartPianoSonata.xml | 22,380 | 4,372 | 1:0.20 | 10,533 | 1:0.47 |
MozartTrio.xml | 63,804 | 11,309 | 1:0.18 | 29,489 | 1:0.46 |
MozaVeilSample.xml | 270,860 | 22,560 | 1:0.08 | 62,364 | 1:0.23 |
Saltarello.xml | 30,562 | 5,117 | 1:0.17 | 14,339 | 1:0.47 |
SchbAvMaSample.xml | 254,943 | 38,752 | 1:0.15 | 110,537 | 1:0.43 |
Telemann.xml | 113,781 | 19,446 | 1:0.17 | 55,707 | 1:0.49 |
3,312,702 | 485,724 | 1:0.15 | 1,408,050 | 1:0.43 |
RSCB PDB, Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics
Protein Data Bank
PepcDB, Protein Expression Purification and Crystallization Database»
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
BIGS.xml | 713,574 | 153,601 | 1:0.22 | 342,392 | 1:0.48 |
BSGC.xml | 4,692,603 | 923,890 | 1:0.20 | 2,068,765 | 1:0.44 |
BSGI.xml | 3,541,816 | 748,957 | 1:0.21 | 1,747,567 | 1:0.49 |
CESG.xml | 101,037,908 | 38,324,580 | 1:0.38 | 54,657,236 | 1:0.54 |
ISFI.xml | 480,409 | 103,800 | 1:0.22 | 214,545 | 1:0.45 |
ISPC.xml | 408,732 | 79,974 | 1:0.20 | 183,094 | 1:0.45 |
JCSG.xml | 437,746,216 | 69,005,132 | 1:0.16 | 164,116,095 | 1:0.37 |
MCSG.xml | 108,916,638 | 22,740,835 | 1:0.21 | 47,623,760 | 1:0.44 |
MSGP.xml | 720,095 | 166,602 | 1:0.23 | 348,748 | 1:0.48 |
NESGC.xml | 149,194,559 | 27,911,645 | 1:0.19 | 58,706,795 | 1:0.39 |
NYSGXRC.xml | 82,298,192 | 24,243,968 | 1:0.29 | 39,526,700 | 1:0.48 |
OPPF.xml | 409,930 | 108,605 | 1:0.26 | 209,827 | 1:0.51 |
pepcTargets.xml | 1,029,347,467 | 224,764,039 | 1:0.22 | 434,752,046 | 1:0.42 |
RSGI.xml | 17,604,302 | 3,190,774 | 1:0.18 | 6,945,129 | 1:0.39 |
S2F.xml | 652,581 | 142,035 | 1:0.22 | 278,383 | 1:0.43 |
SECSG.xml | 56,322,229 | 15,113,778 | 1:0.27 | 26,539,880 | 1:0.47 |
SGPP.xml | 43,443,630 | 10,835,482 | 1:0.25 | 21,274,038 | 1:0.49 |
SPINE.xml | 2,625,446 | 593,526 | 1:0.23 | 1,308,474 | 1:0.50 |
TB.xml | 14,437,768 | 3,741,928 | 1:0.26 | 6,660,602 | 1:0.46 |
XMTB.xml | 351,577 | 101,800 | 1:0.29 | 185,505 | 1:0.53 |
YSG.xml | 543,218 | 111,098 | 1:0.20 | 250,614 | 1:0.46 |
2,055,488,890 | 443,106,049 | 1:0.22 | 867,940,195 | 1:0.42 |
EPER, European Pollutant Emission Register»
EPER data (XML)
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
EPER_AT_2004.xml | 198,560 | 32,714 | 1:0.16 | 109,499 | 1:0.55 |
EPER_BE_2004.xml | 732,326 | 107,756 | 1:0.15 | 409,499 | 1:0.56 |
EPER_CY_2004.xml | 87,913 | 14,997 | 1:0.17 | 49,342 | 1:0.56 |
EPER_CZ_2004.xml | 494,389 | 87,997 | 1:0.18 | 283,126 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_DE_2004.xml | 2,505,297 | 398,478 | 1:0.16 | 1,444,707 | 1:0.58 |
EPER_DK_2004.xml | 294,469 | 45,921 | 1:0.16 | 166,098 | 1:0.56 |
EPER_EE_2004.xml | 39,268 | 6,763 | 1:0.17 | 21,224 | 1:0.54 |
EPER_ES_2004.xml | 2,769,580 | 458,174 | 1:0.17 | 1,501,110 | 1:0.54 |
EPER_EU15_2004.xml | 14,565,850 | 2,298,051 | 1:0.16 | 8,247,220 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_EU25_2004.xml | 16,457,331 | 2,596,253 | 1:0.16 | 9,329,540 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_FI_2004.xml | 358,217 | 52,904 | 1:0.15 | 194,651 | 1:0.54 |
EPER_FR_2004.xml | 2,287,123 | 334,396 | 1:0.15 | 1,310,798 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_GR_2004.xml | 170,801 | 32,386 | 1:0.19 | 96,491 | 1:0.56 |
EPER_HU_2004.xml | 143,819 | 23,852 | 1:0.17 | 83,453 | 1:0.58 |
EPER_IE_2004.xml | 232,343 | 38,273 | 1:0.16 | 132,421 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_IT_2004.xml | 1,200,755 | 256,970 | 1:0.21 | 706,037 | 1:0.59 |
EPER_LT_2004.xml | 79,538 | 15,020 | 1:0.19 | 44,450 | 1:0.56 |
EPER_LU_2004.xml | 23,747 | 4,644 | 1:0.20 | 13,457 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_LV_2004.xml | 37,316 | 7,412 | 1:0.20 | 20,029 | 1:0.54 |
EPER_MT_2004.xml | 7,857 | 2,203 | 1:0.28 | 4,440 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_NL_2004.xml | 619,641 | 84,382 | 1:0.14 | 363,564 | 1:0.59 |
EPER_NO_2004.xml | 156,619 | 23,469 | 1:0.15 | 88,435 | 1:0.56 |
EPER_PL_2004.xml | 723,363 | 112,974 | 1:0.16 | 419,142 | 1:0.58 |
EPER_PT_2004.xml | 447,177 | 98,132 | 1:0.22 | 259,767 | 1:0.58 |
EPER_SE_2004.xml | 398,169 | 59,665 | 1:0.15 | 225,983 | 1:0.57 |
EPER_SI_2004.xml | 128,494 | 23,758 | 1:0.18 | 74,072 | 1:0.58 |
EPER_SK_2004.xml | 150,812 | 25,014 | 1:0.17 | 83,778 | 1:0.56 |
EPER_UK_2004.xml | 2,329,438 | 340,421 | 1:0.15 | 1,314,162 | 1:0.56 |
47,640,212 | 7,582,979 | 1:0.16 | 26,996,495 | 1:0.57 |
EIONET, European Environment Information and Observation Network
The European Air Quality database»
AirBase XML
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
AD_meta.xml | 4,793 | 1,712 | 1:0.36 | 2,508 | 1:0.52 |
AL_meta.xml | 220 | 95 | 1:0.49 | 87 | 1:0.40 |
AT_meta.xml | 39,091,326 | 3,482,009 | 1:0.09 | 18,364,355 | 1:0.47 |
BA_meta.xml | 284,677 | 31,653 | 1:0.11 | 141,653 | 1:0.50 |
BE_meta.xml | 35,377,458 | 3,099,918 | 1:0.09 | 16,649,150 | 1:0.47 |
BG_meta.xml | 4,150,261 | 407,919 | 1:0.10 | 1,970,178 | 1:0.47 |
CH_meta.xml | 9,065,308 | 857,411 | 1:0.09 | 4,250,551 | 1:0.47 |
CS_meta.xml | 586,514 | 63,303 | 1:0.11 | 284,050 | 1:0.48 |
CY_meta.xml | 111,851 | 15,833 | 1:0.14 | 54,059 | 1:0.48 |
CZ_meta.xml | 15,466,010 | 1,430,620 | 1:0.09 | 7,302,675 | 1:0.47 |
DE_meta.xml | 97,784,550 | 8,732,171 | 1:0.09 | 46,109,943 | 1:0.47 |
DK_meta.xml | 3,674,209 | 349,265 | 1:0.10 | 1,726,123 | 1:0.47 |
EE_meta.xml | 1,026,358 | 104,296 | 1:0.10 | 484,386 | 1:0.47 |
ES_meta.xml | 60,006,612 | 5,480,965 | 1:0.09 | 28,424,439 | 1:0.47 |
FI_meta.xml | 4,443,000 | 445,780 | 1:0.10 | 2,109,599 | 1:0.47 |
FR_meta.xml | 54,204,714 | 4,894,430 | 1:0.09 | 25,659,174 | 1:0.47 |
GB_meta.xml | 40,529,019 | 3,686,628 | 1:0.09 | 19,039,863 | 1:0.47 |
GR_meta.xml | 3,954,958 | 388,924 | 1:0.10 | 1,878,696 | 1:0.48 |
HR_meta.xml | 243 | 118 | 1:0.53 | 110 | 1:0.45 |
HU_meta.xml | 1,624,281 | 177,477 | 1:0.11 | 781,350 | 1:0.48 |
IE_meta.xml | 2,064,129 | 212,593 | 1:0.10 | 984,459 | 1:0.48 |
IS_meta.xml | 600,640 | 65,755 | 1:0.11 | 285,157 | 1:0.47 |
IT_meta.xml | 33,832,378 | 3,363,884 | 1:0.10 | 16,151,561 | 1:0.48 |
LI_meta.xml | 62,713 | 9,871 | 1:0.16 | 30,522 | 1:0.49 |
LT_meta.xml | 1,319,847 | 141,209 | 1:0.11 | 633,503 | 1:0.48 |
LU_meta.xml | 237,226 | 24,313 | 1:0.10 | 110,178 | 1:0.46 |
LV_meta.xml | 944,459 | 104,027 | 1:0.11 | 453,864 | 1:0.48 |
MK_meta.xml | 1,823,722 | 191,231 | 1:0.10 | 866,366 | 1:0.48 |
MT_meta.xml | 168,250 | 23,413 | 1:0.14 | 81,494 | 1:0.48 |
NL_meta.xml | 14,048,636 | 1,340,766 | 1:0.10 | 6,613,964 | 1:0.47 |
NO_meta.xml | 1,735,143 | 182,115 | 1:0.10 | 825,101 | 1:0.48 |
PL_meta.xml | 8,334,123 | 847,482 | 1:0.10 | 4,019,999 | 1:0.48 |
PT_meta.xml | 7,949,472 | 775,937 | 1:0.10 | 3,776,894 | 1:0.48 |
RO_meta.xml | 2,283,920 | 238,047 | 1:0.10 | 1,087,506 | 1:0.48 |
SE_meta.xml | 2,272,778 | 233,224 | 1:0.10 | 1,078,157 | 1:0.47 |
SI_meta.xml | 1,094,434 | 117,417 | 1:0.11 | 521,970 | 1:0.48 |
SK_meta.xml | 4,056,668 | 407,540 | 1:0.10 | 1,930,999 | 1:0.48 |
TR_meta.xml | 219 | 94 | 1:0.49 | 86 | 1:0.39 |
454,215,119 | 41,929,445 | 1:0.09 | 214,684,729 | 1:0.47 |
University of Tokyo»
A database of Japanese Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms»
JSNP database XML files
File name | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | .NET Binary | ratio |
contig.chr1.xml | 15,058 | 2,812 | 1:0.19 | 7,444 | 1:0.49 |
contig.chr2.xml | 6,039 | 1,278 | 1:0.21 | 3,031 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr3.xml | 2,940 | 681 | 1:0.23 | 1,450 | 1:0.49 |
contig.chr4.xml | 5,963 | 1,204 | 1:0.20 | 2,949 | 1:0.49 |
contig.chr5.xml | 2,376 | 625 | 1:0.26 | 1,196 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr6.xml | 3,579 | 823 | 1:0.23 | 1,789 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr7.xml | 4,781 | 1,038 | 1:0.22 | 2,379 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr8.xml | 5,614 | 1,086 | 1:0.19 | 2,746 | 1:0.49 |
contig.chr9.xml | 14,142 | 2,665 | 1:0.19 | 6,994 | 1:0.49 |
contig.chr10.xml | 6,033 | 1,290 | 1:0.21 | 3,023 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr11.xml | 3,552 | 802 | 1:0.23 | 1,760 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr12.xml | 2,392 | 641 | 1:0.27 | 1,214 | 1:0.51 |
contig.chr13.xml | 2,069 | 567 | 1:0.27 | 1,041 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr14.xml | 552 | 299 | 1:0.54 | 284 | 1:0.51 |
contig.chr15.xml | 5,052 | 1,045 | 1:0.21 | 2,492 | 1:0.49 |
contig.chr16.xml | 2,056 | 541 | 1:0.26 | 1,026 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr17.xml | 8,216 | 1,402 | 1:0.17 | 3,960 | 1:0.48 |
contig.chr18.xml | 2,058 | 542 | 1:0.26 | 1,028 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr19.xml | 2,041 | 535 | 1:0.26 | 1,011 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr20.xml | 2,069 | 570 | 1:0.28 | 1,043 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chr21.xml | 4,075 | 794 | 1:0.19 | 1,967 | 1:0.48 |
contig.chr22.xml | 3,567 | 811 | 1:0.23 | 1,775 | 1:0.50 |
contig.chrX.xml | 6,865 | 1,364 | 1:0.20 | 3,391 | 1:0.49 |
contig.chrY.xml | 5,380 | 1,124 | 1:0.21 | 2,656 | 1:0.49 |
Ens_gene.chr1.xml | 52,165,548 | 15,821,072 | 1:0.30 | 29,844,695 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr2.xml | 20,292,116 | 6,716,078 | 1:0.33 | 11,867,266 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr3.xml | 14,358,365 | 4,602,251 | 1:0.32 | 8,281,589 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr4.xml | 10,457,396 | 3,386,731 | 1:0.32 | 6,048,475 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr5.xml | 12,913,847 | 4,207,106 | 1:0.33 | 7,511,232 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr6.xml | 21,869,952 | 6,706,554 | 1:0.31 | 12,532,812 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr7.xml | 12,050,131 | 3,874,687 | 1:0.32 | 6,954,651 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr8.xml | 8,977,458 | 2,919,946 | 1:0.33 | 5,203,704 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr9.xml | 20,802,130 | 6,340,762 | 1:0.30 | 11,927,141 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr10.xml | 19,441,410 | 5,908,471 | 1:0.30 | 11,106,801 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr11.xml | 15,337,074 | 4,955,161 | 1:0.32 | 8,855,155 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr12.xml | 13,038,204 | 4,137,236 | 1:0.32 | 7,476,642 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr13.xml | 7,748,490 | 2,354,058 | 1:0.30 | 4,427,511 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr14.xml | 8,123,250 | 2,621,889 | 1:0.32 | 4,702,809 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr15.xml | 8,690,924 | 2,834,413 | 1:0.33 | 5,036,514 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr16.xml | 10,882,599 | 3,448,929 | 1:0.32 | 6,241,232 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr17.xml | 14,343,407 | 4,608,627 | 1:0.32 | 8,237,703 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chr18.xml | 3,419,662 | 1,104,425 | 1:0.32 | 1,975,824 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr19.xml | 14,544,277 | 4,832,216 | 1:0.33 | 8,453,020 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr20.xml | 12,875,019 | 3,776,331 | 1:0.29 | 7,253,201 | 1:0.56 |
Ens_gene.chr21.xml | 3,389,121 | 1,075,404 | 1:0.32 | 1,951,918 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chr22.xml | 5,361,021 | 1,692,885 | 1:0.32 | 3,062,546 | 1:0.57 |
Ens_gene.chrX.xml | 17,306,215 | 5,419,383 | 1:0.31 | 9,979,525 | 1:0.58 |
Ens_gene.chrY.xml | 1,136,653 | 347,587 | 1:0.31 | 646,559 | 1:0.57 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_1.xml | 45,877,155 | 8,386,735 | 1:0.18 | 23,944,531 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_2.xml | 35,053,686 | 6,060,569 | 1:0.17 | 18,208,867 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_3.xml | 26,910,804 | 4,778,148 | 1:0.18 | 14,046,858 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_4.xml | 18,440,229 | 3,281,358 | 1:0.18 | 9,634,738 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_5.xml | 24,468,665 | 4,275,984 | 1:0.17 | 12,729,995 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_6.xml | 39,394,544 | 7,223,419 | 1:0.18 | 20,558,898 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_7.xml | 34,482,013 | 5,859,393 | 1:0.17 | 17,781,747 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_8.xml | 13,052,555 | 2,336,154 | 1:0.18 | 6,821,606 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_9.xml | 15,482,628 | 2,757,739 | 1:0.18 | 8,080,412 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_10.xml | 15,956,649 | 2,844,618 | 1:0.18 | 8,350,954 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_11.xml | 18,316,762 | 3,293,040 | 1:0.18 | 9,575,586 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_12.xml | 20,231,234 | 3,647,045 | 1:0.18 | 10,536,591 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_13.xml | 8,252,210 | 1,495,642 | 1:0.18 | 4,315,238 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_14.xml | 16,543,223 | 2,935,137 | 1:0.18 | 8,579,573 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_15.xml | 11,402,884 | 2,046,440 | 1:0.18 | 5,983,522 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_16.xml | 15,550,409 | 2,730,726 | 1:0.18 | 8,093,421 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_17.xml | 17,219,033 | 3,032,096 | 1:0.18 | 8,963,674 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_18.xml | 6,992,298 | 1,278,166 | 1:0.18 | 3,665,067 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_19.xml | 20,532,718 | 3,560,743 | 1:0.17 | 10,686,298 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_20.xml | 15,152,766 | 2,798,938 | 1:0.18 | 7,938,284 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_21.xml | 9,915,788 | 1,691,334 | 1:0.17 | 5,086,888 | 1:0.51 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_22.xml | 15,340,670 | 3,027,185 | 1:0.20 | 8,102,822 | 1:0.53 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_Un.xml | 24,438,784 | 4,458,141 | 1:0.18 | 12,643,575 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_X.xml | 8,838,622 | 1,683,511 | 1:0.19 | 4,621,091 | 1:0.52 |
JSNP-Screened_SNP_Y.xml | 179,346 | 33,112 | 1:0.18 | 92,307 | 1:0.51 |
JST_PML_snp.chr1.xml | 34,063,877 | 10,573,549 | 1:0.31 | 25,649,835 | 1:0.75 |
JST_PML_snp.chr2.xml | 31,846,641 | 9,242,277 | 1:0.29 | 23,389,612 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr3.xml | 23,188,112 | 6,661,411 | 1:0.29 | 16,987,005 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr4.xml | 15,789,138 | 4,616,983 | 1:0.29 | 11,608,919 | 1:0.74 |
JST_PML_snp.chr5.xml | 20,656,391 | 5,994,963 | 1:0.29 | 15,162,613 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr6.xml | 29,353,542 | 8,661,844 | 1:0.30 | 21,668,186 | 1:0.74 |
JST_PML_snp.chr7.xml | 27,809,143 | 8,393,032 | 1:0.30 | 20,652,304 | 1:0.74 |
JST_PML_snp.chr8.xml | 11,316,089 | 3,227,117 | 1:0.29 | 8,279,121 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr9.xml | 13,884,162 | 3,969,952 | 1:0.29 | 10,129,747 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr10.xml | 15,491,814 | 4,303,834 | 1:0.28 | 11,274,067 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr11.xml | 16,964,180 | 4,760,891 | 1:0.28 | 12,314,672 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr12.xml | 17,674,848 | 5,079,170 | 1:0.29 | 12,905,889 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr13.xml | 7,031,063 | 2,063,136 | 1:0.29 | 5,167,700 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr14.xml | 13,921,956 | 4,060,945 | 1:0.29 | 10,242,835 | 1:0.74 |
JST_PML_snp.chr15.xml | 11,512,356 | 3,158,593 | 1:0.27 | 8,357,901 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr16.xml | 13,553,639 | 3,781,232 | 1:0.28 | 9,876,056 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr17.xml | 16,509,083 | 4,450,362 | 1:0.27 | 11,900,461 | 1:0.72 |
JST_PML_snp.chr18.xml | 5,863,362 | 1,656,704 | 1:0.28 | 4,265,691 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr19.xml | 19,107,174 | 5,188,913 | 1:0.27 | 13,767,011 | 1:0.72 |
JST_PML_snp.chr20.xml | 11,950,013 | 3,427,126 | 1:0.29 | 8,729,452 | 1:0.73 |
JST_PML_snp.chr21.xml | 7,951,065 | 2,382,362 | 1:0.30 | 5,908,540 | 1:0.74 |
JST_PML_snp.chr22.xml | 12,057,507 | 3,509,809 | 1:0.29 | 8,899,099 | 1:0.74 |
JST_PML_snp.chrX.xml | 6,386,521 | 2,119,072 | 1:0.33 | 4,821,501 | 1:0.75 |
JST_PML_snp.chrY.xml | 403,488 | 102,834 | 1:0.25 | 305,038 | 1:0.76 |
JST_snp.chr1.xml | 37,049,073 | 7,144,841 | 1:0.19 | 19,303,482 | 1:0.52 |
JST_snp.chr2.xml | 41,063,747 | 17,365,706 | 1:0.42 | 26,879,361 | 1:0.65 |
JST_snp.chr3.xml | 23,963,290 | 6,084,438 | 1:0.25 | 13,245,353 | 1:0.55 |
JST_snp.chr4.xml | 16,138,490 | 4,167,489 | 1:0.26 | 8,978,765 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr5.xml | 22,144,920 | 5,897,240 | 1:0.27 | 12,405,982 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr6.xml | 32,669,333 | 8,290,081 | 1:0.25 | 18,093,313 | 1:0.55 |
JST_snp.chr7.xml | 29,124,764 | 6,914,451 | 1:0.24 | 15,875,286 | 1:0.55 |
JST_snp.chr8.xml | 11,827,241 | 3,152,408 | 1:0.27 | 6,636,464 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr9.xml | 16,529,456 | 4,638,814 | 1:0.28 | 9,368,527 | 1:0.57 |
JST_snp.chr10.xml | 18,725,892 | 5,251,454 | 1:0.28 | 10,622,016 | 1:0.57 |
JST_snp.chr11.xml | 17,368,732 | 4,560,988 | 1:0.26 | 9,645,509 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr12.xml | 17,281,596 | 4,513,254 | 1:0.26 | 9,615,814 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr13.xml | 7,823,544 | 2,045,548 | 1:0.26 | 4,355,978 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr14.xml | 14,810,688 | 3,871,412 | 1:0.26 | 8,256,338 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr15.xml | 12,302,937 | 3,542,553 | 1:0.29 | 7,059,499 | 1:0.57 |
JST_snp.chr16.xml | 14,160,564 | 3,690,666 | 1:0.26 | 7,892,596 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr17.xml | 16,776,723 | 4,687,796 | 1:0.28 | 9,508,378 | 1:0.57 |
JST_snp.chr18.xml | 5,811,988 | 1,537,075 | 1:0.26 | 3,241,466 | 1:0.56 |
JST_snp.chr19.xml | 20,211,832 | 5,879,915 | 1:0.29 | 11,562,570 | 1:0.57 |
JST_snp.chr20.xml | 13,781,300 | 3,624,344 | 1:0.26 | 7,634,140 | 1:0.55 |
JST_snp.chr21.xml | 8,175,824 | 1,881,210 | 1:0.23 | 4,433,059 | 1:0.54 |
JST_snp.chr22.xml | 11,988,032 | 2,696,874 | 1:0.22 | 6,439,992 | 1:0.54 |
JST_snp.chrX.xml | 9,492,927 | 2,622,880 | 1:0.28 | 5,373,549 | 1:0.57 |
JST_snp.chrY.xml | 496,023 | 116,731 | 1:0.24 | 280,491 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr1.xml | 25,072,070 | 7,965,623 | 1:0.32 | 14,344,761 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr2.xml | 18,702,275 | 6,165,519 | 1:0.33 | 10,864,850 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr3.xml | 14,155,383 | 4,503,744 | 1:0.32 | 8,114,984 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr4.xml | 9,241,005 | 3,004,677 | 1:0.33 | 5,325,671 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr5.xml | 11,293,072 | 3,781,030 | 1:0.33 | 6,594,068 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr6.xml | 12,207,362 | 3,964,409 | 1:0.32 | 7,039,694 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr7.xml | 11,780,265 | 3,729,624 | 1:0.32 | 6,740,040 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr8.xml | 8,465,156 | 2,778,290 | 1:0.33 | 4,900,501 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr9.xml | 9,596,987 | 3,087,366 | 1:0.32 | 5,533,656 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr10.xml | 11,010,027 | 3,366,388 | 1:0.31 | 6,232,756 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr11.xml | 13,929,023 | 4,521,832 | 1:0.32 | 8,019,799 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr12.xml | 12,849,456 | 4,038,301 | 1:0.31 | 7,308,989 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr13.xml | 4,082,620 | 1,361,622 | 1:0.33 | 2,370,183 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr14.xml | 7,588,970 | 2,460,669 | 1:0.32 | 4,378,792 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr15.xml | 9,356,085 | 2,971,284 | 1:0.32 | 5,351,457 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr16.xml | 10,238,898 | 3,227,736 | 1:0.32 | 5,841,570 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr17.xml | 15,031,472 | 4,754,600 | 1:0.32 | 8,568,975 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr18.xml | 3,655,925 | 1,160,123 | 1:0.32 | 2,095,782 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr19.xml | 13,781,375 | 4,582,002 | 1:0.33 | 7,976,294 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chr20.xml | 6,650,314 | 2,050,241 | 1:0.31 | 3,761,488 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chr21.xml | 3,224,191 | 973,602 | 1:0.30 | 1,820,656 | 1:0.56 |
NCBI_gene.chr22.xml | 5,843,856 | 1,831,700 | 1:0.31 | 3,323,745 | 1:0.57 |
NCBI_gene.chrX.xml | 10,043,355 | 3,281,395 | 1:0.33 | 5,815,791 | 1:0.58 |
NCBI_gene.chrY.xml | 879,406 | 263,986 | 1:0.30 | 491,239 | 1:0.56 |
NCBI_snp.chr1.xml | 567,822,060 | 153,821,240 | 1:0.27 | 335,969,919 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr2.xml | 512,605,309 | 143,554,144 | 1:0.28 | 303,986,997 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr3.xml | 425,772,555 | 119,919,323 | 1:0.28 | 252,429,424 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr4.xml | 481,515,923 | 129,912,671 | 1:0.27 | 284,875,872 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr5.xml | 405,673,175 | 111,637,178 | 1:0.28 | 240,309,022 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr6.xml | 429,180,309 | 120,250,358 | 1:0.28 | 254,187,785 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr7.xml | 337,707,408 | 98,584,733 | 1:0.29 | 199,959,893 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr8.xml | 330,970,479 | 93,037,287 | 1:0.28 | 195,862,738 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr9.xml | 386,986,054 | 93,412,358 | 1:0.24 | 228,216,282 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr10.xml | 322,520,164 | 92,275,643 | 1:0.29 | 190,879,450 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr11.xml | 325,619,502 | 91,085,902 | 1:0.28 | 192,660,672 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr12.xml | 296,555,054 | 84,447,251 | 1:0.28 | 175,674,277 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr13.xml | 230,021,930 | 65,249,912 | 1:0.28 | 136,207,734 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr14.xml | 202,467,760 | 54,600,732 | 1:0.27 | 120,003,122 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr15.xml | 190,264,514 | 52,452,029 | 1:0.28 | 112,496,489 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr16.xml | 208,768,998 | 56,925,994 | 1:0.27 | 123,472,329 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr17.xml | 173,520,294 | 49,035,065 | 1:0.28 | 102,352,569 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr18.xml | 169,889,285 | 48,366,876 | 1:0.28 | 100,499,329 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr19.xml | 129,775,736 | 38,012,608 | 1:0.29 | 76,704,713 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr20.xml | 171,718,293 | 49,738,837 | 1:0.29 | 101,398,311 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr21.xml | 124,550,775 | 30,231,238 | 1:0.24 | 72,955,807 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chr22.xml | 112,218,575 | 31,091,166 | 1:0.28 | 66,231,867 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chrX.xml | 291,574,296 | 72,336,380 | 1:0.25 | 172,519,178 | 1:0.59 |
NCBI_snp.chrY.xml | 69,421,334 | 12,815,883 | 1:0.18 | 40,739,743 | 1:0.59 |
8,757,468,823 | 2,387,416,964 | 1:0.27 | 5,181,059,163 | 1:0.59 |
Text vs Fast Infoset vs MTOM
We used the MTOM encoding sample by Microsoft to measure the size of five SOAP messages when encoded in the text, Fast Infoset and MTOM formats. These SOAP messages contain only binary data, their size ranging from 100 bytes to 1,000,000 bytes.
Payload size | Text | Fast Infoset | ratio | MTOM | ratio |
100 bytes | 433 | 335 | 1:0.77 | 912 | 1:2.11 |
1,000 bytes | 1,633 | 1,238 | 1:0.76 | 2,080 | 1:1.27 |
10,000 bytes | 13,633 | 10,238 | 1:0.75 | 11,080 | 1:0.81 |
100,000 bytes | 133,633 | 100,238 | 1:0.75 | 101,080 | 1:0.76 |
1,000,000 bytes | 1,333,633 | 1,000,238 | 1:0.75 | 1,001,080 | 1:0.75 |
The Fast Infoset encoding reduced the size of all 25 collections significantly more than either the text encoding or the .NET Binary encoding.nts.
For each collection the total size of all its Fast Infoset documents ranged between 9% and 40% of the total size of all its text documents, while the total size of all its .NET Binary documents ranged between 42% and 93% of the total size of all its text documents.
Table 1 compares for each collection the total size of all its Fast Infoset and .NET Binary documents to the total size of all its text docume
The MTOM encoding was designed to decrease the size of text-encoded SOAP messages that contain binary data. However, MTOM is more efficient than text only when the amount of binary data in the payload exceeds 2,350 bytes. With lesser amounts of binary data, MTOM-encoded SOAP messages are actually larger than text-encoded SOAP messages.
Contrary to MTOM, Fast Infoset-encoded SOAP messages are always smaller than text-encoded SOAP message even with small amounts of binary data in their payload. Furthermore, Fast Infoset can decrease the size of SOAP messages irrespective of whether they contain binary data or not.
Table 2 compares the size of the text, Fast Infoset and MTOM encodings for different sizes of binary data in the payload of an otherwise empty SOAP message. Note that since only binary data were included in the tested payloads, the compactness benefits offered by Fast Infoset for non-binary data are not reflected in this table.
Fast Infoset is by far the most compact encoding when compared to the text, .NET Binary and MTOM encodings.
You can use Fast Infoset Converter and MSBXML Converter to do your own comparisons.